CABEI supports productive strengthening of the Piapocos indigenous community in Colombia

The project is managed by the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Colombia (MINTRABAJO), with the support of the National Learning Service (SENA).
Bogotá, July 25th, 2022.- To support the progress of the "Technology Transfer Project for Strengthening Production in the Piapocos Indigenous Community" in the department of Meta in Colombia, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved a non-reimbursable technical cooperation in the amount of US$94,500 thousand to benefit 400 people in isolated communities.
Through the initiative, technical knowledge will be transferred to improve production, irrigation systems and management of agricultural units through a learning-by-doing methodology; and the necessary inputs will be provided to structure an entrepreneurship project to generate sources of employment, contribute to food security and market surpluses through the strengthening of small businesses.
"At CABEI, we are pleased to promote the human development of vulnerable communities in our extra-regional member country Colombia. The agricultural sector requires technological support to increase its productivity, which will also allow them to generate new employment alternatives and replicate the knowledge acquired," highlighted CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.
As part of this initiative, an initial group of 30 people will receive 192 hours of training through routes framed in the principles of family economy through the "Emprende Rural" technical training program developed by the National Learning Service (SENA).
This cooperation is part of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between CABEI and MINTRABAJO, which aims to implement initiatives of common interest that support the most vulnerable populations in developing skills, specifically in the strengthening and development of competencies in agriculture and livestock.