The Green MSME Initiative II presents awards to Salvadoran companies that promote sustainable mobility


CABEI, the Government of Germany, through KfW, and the European Union, in collaboration with the Electric Mobility Association of El Salvador (ASOMOVES), held the awards ceremony for the Regional Sustainable Mobility Contest.

San Salvador, July 4, 2024.– Promoting the transition towards sustainable mobility in the micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) sector has been one of the objectives of the Regional Sustainable Mobility Contest promoted by the Green MSMEs Initiative II in the Central American region, for the first time.

The participating companies in El Salvador showed the sector's capacity for innovation, creating solutions, and alternatives towards sustainable mobility in the face of the challenges presented by climate change in the country. With this contest, three MSMEs had the opportunity to receive non-reimbursable funds to launch innovative projects that aim to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Tricco, the company that won first place and received US$7,000, offers an innovative, reliable, and feasible alternative for people and companies seeking to integrate electromobility into their logistics processes, without the need to acquire their own fleet. The company has electric vehicles for rental and shared use, which promotes the reduction of the use of combustion cars for logistical tasks, commented Manuel Díaz and Pedropablo Donis, owners of the company.

Encouraging the adoption of micromobility in the university community, including the sharing of bicycles and electric scooters is the mission of Akiles Ride, the second-place winner that received US$5,000. Kelly Escobar, owner of the company, comments that the project seeks to reduce travel time and CO2 emissions. In addition, they will expand their work team with eight new jobs.

Javier Ayala seeks to create a line of workshops specialized in repairing, recycling, and maintenance of batteries and motors of electric vehicles with his company URBE, winner of third place with an amount of US$3,000. In addition, URBE will create a rental system for scooters and electric bicycles in the metropolitan area of ​​San Salvador, under a monthly subscription or pay-per-use scheme. With this project, they will not only encourage the use of alternative transportation, but also local tourism.

The awards event included the participation of the director for El Salvador before CABEI, Alejandro Zelaya, the charge d'affaires a.i. of the European Union in El Salvador, Borja García, the local representative of KfW in El Salvador, Liliana Monteiro, and the president of ASOMOVES, Marco Tomasino, as well as representatives of the country's public and private sectors. This is the first edition of the contest, which reached a participation of more than 40 MSMEs at the regional level, thus encouraging sustainable mobility in the region.

Green MSME Initiative II

The Green MSME II Initiative seeks to protect the climate and the environment, creating and offering adequate, efficient, and sustainable financial products for the sector with investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and cleaner production. At the regional level, the Green MSME Initiative II has granted more than US$40 million in loans and more than US$7 million in guarantees, protecting more than 10,000 jobs in more than 600 companies.
