CABEI renews credit line with Banco Ficohsa to continue supporting Nicaraguan MSMEs
Managua, Diciembrer 6th, 2023.- Contributing to the economic development and protection of jobs in the country through support to key sectors of the economy, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and Banco Ficohsa S.A., renewed a US$20.0 million Global Credit Line to strengthen Nicaragua's micro, small, and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs).
During the last three years, CABEI and Ficohsa have been able to support more than 140 MSMEs in the country, which has represented an important contribution to the sector for its adaptation and economic solvency, as part of its reactivation.
As a result, CABEI has supported the invigoration of the country's economy through initiatives aimed at Nicaraguan MSMEs, providing loans totaling more than US$92 million in the last three years, benefiting 3,596 companies.
Recently, the bank also signed a credit line with Ficohsa in Guatemala and Honduras, CABEI's founding member countries, to channel resources to companies engaged in foreign trade activities, thus facilitating the import and export of products, in addition to providing working capital loans to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
This operation is framed within the framework of the CABEI's 2020-2024 Institutional Strategy, in its Sustainable Competitiveness and Human Development strategic axes, given the mobilization of resources for the generation of income and investment towards strategic sectors of the economy.